Privacy policy

Bienvenue sur (le «Site») Nous comprenons que la confidentialité en ligne est importante pour les utilisateurs de notre Site, en particulier lors de la conduite des affaires.Cette déclaration régit nos politiques de confidentialité à l’égard de ces utilisateurs du Site (” Visiteurs “) qui visitent sans transaction et Visiteurs qui s’inscrivent pour effectuer des transactions sur le Site et utilisent les différents services proposés par Fidu360 (collectivement,” Services “) (” Clients Autorisés “).

“Personally identifiable information”

refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate the person to whom this information belongs, including, but not limited to, name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally identifiable information does not include information collected anonymously (i.e. without identifying the individual user) or demographic information not related to an identified person.

What personally identifiable information is collected?

We may collect basic information about the user profile of all of our visitors. We collect the following additional information from our authorized customers: names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of authorized customers, nature and size of business, nature and size of advertising inventory that the authorized customer has intention to buy or sell.

Which organizations collect the information?

En plus de notre collecte directe d’informations, nos fournisseurs de services tiers (tels que les sociétés de cartes de crédit, les chambres de compensation et les banques) qui peuvent fournir des services de crédit, d’assurance et d’entiercement peuvent recueillir ces informations auprès de nos visiteurs et clients autorisés. Nous ne contrôlons pas la façon dont ces tiers utilisent ces informations, mais nous leur demandons de divulguer comment ils utilisent les informations personnelles qui leur sont fournies par les visiteurs et les clients autorisés. Certains de ces tiers peuvent être des intermédiaires qui agissent uniquement en tant que liens dans la chaîne de distribution et ne stockent pas, ne conservent pas ou n’utilisent pas les informations qui leur sont fournies.

Comment le site utilise-t-il les informations personnelles identifiables?

We use personally identifiable information to personalize the site, to provide appropriate service offerings, and to respond to purchase and sale requests on the site. We may send emails to Visitors and Authorized Customers regarding research or purchase and sale opportunities on the Site or information relating to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use personally identifiable information to contact authorized visitors and customers in response to specific inquiries or to provide the requested information.

Who can the information be shared with?

Personally identifiable information about authorized customers may be shared with other authorized customers who wish to assess potential transactions with other authorized customers. We may share aggregate information about our visitors, including demographics of our visitors and authorized customers, with our affiliated agencies and third-party suppliers. We also offer the option to "opt out" of receiving information or being contacted by us or by any agency acting on our behalf.

How is personal information stored?

Les informations personnellement identifiables collectées par Fidu360 sont stockées de manière sécurisée et ne sont pas accessibles à des tiers ou à des employés de Fidu360, sauf pour l’utilisation indiquée ci-dessus.

Quels sont les choix offerts aux visiteurs concernant la collecte, l’utilisation et la distribution de l’information?

Visitors and Authorized Customers may opt out of receiving unsolicited information or being contacted by us and / or our suppliers and affiliated agencies by replying to emails as directed, or by contacting us at

Are cookies used on the site?

Cookies are used for various reasons. We use cookies to obtain information about the preferences of our visitors and the services they select. We also use cookies for security purposes to protect our authorized customers. For example, if an authorized customer is connected and the site is unused for more than 10 minutes, we will automatically disconnect the authorized customer.

Comment THP Invest Services utilise-t-il les informations de connexion?

THP Invest Services utilise les informations de connexion, notamment les adresses IP, les FAI et les types de navigateur, pour analyser les tendances, administrer le site, suivre le mouvement et l’utilisation d’un utilisateur et recueillir des informations démographiques générales.

Which partners or service providers have access to the personal information of visitors and / or authorized customers on the site?

THP Invest Services has entered into and will continue to enter into partnerships and other affiliations with a number of suppliers. These providers may have access to certain personally identifiable information based on a need to know to assess authorized customers for service eligibility. Our privacy


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